Tourist informations
Where is it: in Via de' Bardi.
Palazzo Capponi delle Rovinate is among the most important examples of Florentine architecture of the early 15th century. In front of it is located the Hill of San Giorgio, which until 16th Century was dreaded for the frequent landslips (the «rovinate» mentioned in the name of this building).
The palace was built at the beginning of 15th Century by the noblesman Niccolò di Uzzano and after his death (1432) came to his cousin Niccolò Capponi: since then the palace has continuosly been owned by the Capponi family.
The façade towards Via de' Bardi shows the rusticated ashlar we find also in later Palazzi of Florence (among them those built by Brunelleschi); the plain façade towards Arno is from 19th Century and was built by Giuseppe Poggi.
In the interior of the palace are many sales with frescoes (19th Century) and paintings (17th-18th Centuries); there is also a small chapel (15th-16th Century) enriched with a painting ascribed to Pontormo (Madonna with the Child).

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